Jan 18, 2024
How did the Wives do with their Tantric Sex homework? Tune in to find out.
But first, check out this episode’s Canna-cocktail, the Orange Berry Tea with a new nano-tincture. Sip on this delicious cocktail while Kat shares her Hot Tale: a professional massage gets a BDSM vibe with cupping and scraping.
Next, the Wives report back on their sexy homework, inspired by
Barbara Carrellas' book, Urban Tantra. Kat shares her tantra ritual
with Mr. Kat, while Ams explored solo tantra, including a no-hands,
Breath and Energy Orgasm.
Finally, the Wives give their tips on exploring tantric
The original practice of Tantra encompasses a wide range of beliefs, practices, and rituals, and its principles can vary among different schools and traditions. However, some core principles are commonly associated with Tantra:
Unity of the Divine: Tantra often emphasizes the oneness or unity of the ultimate reality, which may be referred to as Brahman, Shiva, Shakti, or other names depending on the specific tradition. The idea is that everything in the universe is an expression of this ultimate reality.
Energy and Consciousness (Shiva and Shakti): Tantra often conceptualizes the divine as a dynamic interplay between masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies. These energies represent the dual aspects of the supreme consciousness, and the practice of Tantra often involves awakening and harmonizing these energies.
Sacred Sexuality: Some Tantric traditions incorporate rituals and practices that involve sacred sexuality. The goal is not mere physical pleasure but rather the spiritual union of Shiva and Shakti energies within the practitioners, aiming for heightened awareness and divine connection.
Ritual and Symbolism: Tantra frequently employs rituals, symbols, and ceremonies to connect with the divine. These can include mantra chanting, yantra (geometric diagrams), mudras (hand gestures), and various ceremonies designed to invoke spiritual energies.
Embracing the Mundane: Unlike some ascetic traditions, Tantra embraces the material world and the experiences of daily life. It encourages practitioners to see the divine in everything, including ordinary activities, and to use the challenges of the material world as opportunities for spiritual growth.
Teacher-Student Relationship: Traditional Tantric practices often involve a guru-disciple relationship. The guru is seen as a guide and spiritual mentor who leads the disciple on the path toward self-realization.
Non-Dualism (Advaita): Many Tantric traditions advocate a non-dualistic perspective, emphasizing that the ultimate reality is beyond distinctions such as good or bad, pure or impure. Practitioners seek to overcome dualities and realize the underlying unity of all things.
Many Westerners have been applying Tantric principals to sex for over 100 years. Some of these principals include adding ritual and mindfulness to sexual experiences, focusing on breath and energy, fostering a deep connection between partners and focusing on pleasure and ecstasy as opposed to orgasm.